Key Vote Alert – “NO” on the Highway Bill Conference Report (HR 22)



“NO” on the Highway Bill Conference Report (HR 22)

The Club for Growth urges all members of Congress to oppose the conference report on the latest long-term highway bill (HR 22).  Both chambers are expected to vote on this proposal in the next few days.  This vote will be included in the Club for Growth’s 2015 Congressional Scorecard.

This plan is horrible on several levels.  First, it includes the reauthorization of the cronyist Export-Import Bank.  Second, the proposed spending exceeds projected gas tax revenue by $70 billion.  When spending exceeds revenue, that means each state “wins” by getting more than they deliver to DC via the gas tax, causing the 50 states to become ever more addicted to the federal program.   Unfortunately, taxpayers lose under this scenario.  This means that real reform – like returning power back to the states – will be discouraged through this new, horrible incentive.  Finally, this orgy of spending is offset by budget gimmicks, and not by real reductions in spending.  American taxpayers have such contempt for Washington precisely because of the contents in this bill and the tactics used to pass it.

This proposal should be vigorously opposed.

Our Congressional Scorecard for the 114th Congress provides a comprehensive rating of how well or how poorly each member of Congress supports pro-growth, free-market policies and will be distributed to our members and to the public.