Key Vote Alert – Senate – “NO ” on Invoking Cloture on Senate Amendment to H.R. 2872


The Club for Growth urges all Senators to vote NO on invoking cloture on the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2872. The results of this vote will be included in the Club for Growth Foundation’s 2024 congressional scorecard.

With the national debt now surpassing $34 trillion and inflation still well above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target, it is far past time for lawmakers to face an intervention over their addiction to borrowing and spending the American people’s money. Only in Washington is it considered “reasonable” or “good governance” to continue sprinting towards a debt crisis unabated.

The first step on the long road to recovery is for discretionary spending to be set at the levels agreed to in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) absent spending gimmicks and fake pay-fors that backfill bloated non-defense discretionary spending. The Senate’s continuing resolution, by maintaining FY 2023 spending levels through March – before enforcement of the FRA’s automatic cuts on April 30 – enables another bloated spending topline and fails this test. Club for Growth urges lawmakers to fight for the American people and stand against Washington special interests determined to bankrupt the country.

Club for Growth Foundation’s Congressional Scorecard for the 118th Congress provides a comprehensive rating of how well or how poorly each member of Congress supports pro-growth, free-market policies and will be distributed to the public.