Key Vote Alert – “NO” on the House Highway Bill (HR 22)



“NO” on the House Highway Bill (HR 22)

The Club for Growth urges all House members to oppose the long-term highway bill that is currently being debated under the shell bill, Hire More Heroes Act (HR 22).  Consideration of the bill, and a vote on final passage is expected over the next few days.  The vote will be included in the Club for Growth’s 2015 Congressional Scorecard.

There is very little to like about this bill.  It spends too much, offsets that spending with gimmickry, and includes unrelated riders like renewal of the cronyist Export-Import Bank.  Worse, lawmakers continue to avoid enacting real reforms like the Transportation Empowerment Act (HR 2716) that would remove most of the command-and-control power used by the federal government in the decision-making process related to infrastructure.

The Club for Growth may score amendments to the highway bill, but that will be released in a subsequent key vote alert if we determine that such amendments should be scored.

Our Congressional Scorecard for the 114th Congress provides a comprehensive rating of how well or how poorly each member of Congress supports pro-growth, free-market policies and will be distributed to our members and to the public.