Category: Government Spending

Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL) tries to “Shear” Spending in the Farm Bill



Jay Leno’s View on Big Sugar


From Jay Leno: “I saw this in the paper today, the Department of Agriculture wants to use our tax money to buy 400,000 tons of sugar to limit supply and boost prices so sugar producers can pay back government loans that they could default on. You follow me here on this? We loaned them money […]

12 Step Program for Spendaholics


Club member Bill King from Pennsylvania sent us the following 12-step program for Spendaholics.  Politicians in Congress should admit they have a problem! Admit to yourself and to your constituents that you have been addicted to spending. Admit to yourself and to your constituents that Spendaholism is a major cause of our budget  deficits and national debt. […]

“Infrastructure rhetoric is a bridge to nowhere”


Over at Reuters, Media Critic Jack Safer takes the media’s coverage of the "civil engineering-industrial complex" to task: Whenever the phrase “our crumbling infrastructure” passes the lips of a politician or appears in the pages of a newspaper, I change the password on my checking account and move my wallet to the front pocket of […]