
Too many public schools are failing at their job of educating students.  Parents of all income levels should have the opportunity to choose for their children the best education choice available to them, whether in public, private, religious, or home schools.  Providing choice, from primary to high school, will empower parents to choose high performing schools for their children, giving them a better education and better future.  Students should be free to attend a safe and effective school rather than being assigned to a chronically underperforming school. The current monopoly system, in which government is both the primary funder and provider of education, has not served students well. A system based on competition, freedom, flexibility, and accountability to parents will produce a higher level of excellence and better equip the next generation of Americans.

Policy Recommendations:

  • Close down the U.S. Department of Education and end the federal government’s role in education.
  • Take further steps to empower parents through choice of schools.
  • Continue and improve the charter school system.
  • Provide school vouchers to give more control and choice to parents.

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