School Freedom Fund Releases First Ad in KY-GOV Race


Washington, D.C. – Club for Growth Action’s allied School Freedom Fund has released their first ad in Kentucky’s 2023 gubernatorial election. The ad, Means and Motives, highlights Governor Andy Beshear’s decision to release violent criminals from prison during the Covid-19 pandemic and is part of a $2.9 million TV buy that will begin airing August 1st in the Louisville and Lexington markets. Zach Montellaro from Politico wrote an exclusive report covering the ad.

Click here to watch the full ad, Means and Motives, from School Freedom Fund.

Click here to read the exclusive report covering the ad from Politico.



These Kentucky Convicts had means and motive to sexually abuse a young child, brutally strangle a woman, allegedly murder an innocent man.

Means, motive, and the opportunity.

Governor Beshear issued commutations for more than 1,700 inmates.

A new report found that half the criminals he let out of jail went right out and committed more crimes. One third of them committed a new felony.

“We made, what I believe, are reasonable decisions” – Gov. Beshear.

Their victims know better.

Paid for by School Freedom Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202-955-5500.