The World According to Trump:  Praising Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid


“If Donald Trump was even half the conservative he now claims to be, he wouldn’t be praising Pelosi and Reid.”

Washington, DC – Club for Growth Action, a political arm of the Club for Growth, released the following statement after Donald Trump said he would cut deals with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid:

“If Donald Trump was even half the conservative he now claims to be, he wouldn’t be praising Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,” said Club for Growth president David McIntosh. “For years, conservatives have complained about Republican leaders in Congress who repeatedly stabbed conservatives in the back while cutting deals with Pelosi and Reid to get votes. In fact, that willingness to cut deal with diehard liberals, rather than fight on principle, helped fuel the current political outsider movement. But Trump doesn’t get it. He’s been a liberal for years, as evidenced in part by his donations to Pelosi, Reid, and other liberals. And now that he wants to be elected president, he’s borrowing from the RINO playbook by signaling his willingness to cut deals with them, which is exactly what you do when you don’t have conservative principles to stand on.”


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