Todd Tiahrt Wasteful Earmark Of The Day


Club for Growth Spokesman Barney Keller: “Politicians like Todd Tiahrt went on spending binges not so long ago, which is why they earned the wrath of Kansas taxpayers.”

Washington, DC – As part of an ongoing series, the Club for Growth PAC today highlighted another wasteful earmark supported by former Congressman Todd Tiahrt. Tiahrt is challenging incumbent Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS), who has been endorsed by the Club’s PAC and opposes wasteful earmarks.

Today, the Club for Growth PAC noted as a member of Congress, Todd Tiahrt voted to spend $250,000 on the National Grape and Wine Initiative

(Roll Call Vote #192, 2006)

“Politicians like Todd Tiahrt went on spending binges not so long ago, which is why they earned the wrath of Kansas taxpayers,” said Club for Growth Spokesman Barney Keller. “What was Todd Tiahrt thinking when he voted to waste taxpayer dollars on a National Grape and Wine Initiative? Kansans shouldn’t ask – they should just send Mike Pompeo back to Congress instead.”

Paid for by Club for Growth PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202.955.5500